7.0 BETA BUG: There are 2 issues with piloted ship speed randomly

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7.0 BETA BUG: There are 2 issues with piloted ship speed randomly

Post by Omni-Orb » Sun, 5. May 24, 17:21

Version 7.00 beta 4
Windows 11
DLC: All.

Randomly ship speed will be that travel drive is on without the colours for travel drive being on. And if i push the travel drive button when it happens it turns travel drive on officially. This usually happens straight after undocking (Very immersion breaking and annoying inside a dock).

And also sometimes randomly ship speed even with travel drive will drop to 10% for like 10 seconds and then go back to normal usually after I activated/deactivated travel drive and adjusted speed up and down.
Last time speed slowed down like that was after a superhighway, however I think I noticed it after a jump gate as well.
Might have to do something with transitioning sectors.

I cant provide a save cause I don't have one, and I'm not sure I could save something like that. And screenshots wouldn't explain it anyway and I don't have any.

However I've been playing the beta since it was out and I've been playing a lot on a new beta save probably like 100 hours usually piloting ships myself.

It seems to be connected to the bug that was in the previous patches where ship speed would drop to like 1% and stay there.

DxDiag: https://ufile.io/huwdtidg
Credence follow stars.

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